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STD Testing

STD Testing services offered in Keller, TX

If you’re sexually active and at risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD), or you develop symptoms of an STD, see the specialists at Vine Family Medicine in Keller, Texas. Family medicine providers Ochuele Odumosu, MD, and Oluwaseun Odumosu, MD, offer STD testing and treatments that reduce your risk of complications. Call the office to learn more, or use the online booking feature today. Telehealth visits are also available.

What is STD testing?

STD testing includes swabs, blood tests, or urinalysis that detect sexually transmitted diseases. Examples of common STDs include:

  • Gonorrhea
  • Chlamydia
  • Genital herpes
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Trichomoniasis 
  • Syphilis 
  • Hepatitis B

These diseases are caused by viruses, parasites, or bacteria and affect millions of Americans every year. They spread from person to person via vaginal, anal, and oral sexual contact — or even intimate skin-to-skin contact in some cases.

What are the symptoms of STDs?

The symptoms you experience due to STDs depend on which type you have. You might develop:

  • Genital or anal warts or sores
  • Pelvic pain
  • Pain with intercourse
  • Unusual vaginal or penis discharge
  • Genital itching
  • Pain during urination
  • Menstrual changes in women
  • Infertility 

However, you may not have any symptoms, at least not right away. For example, when left untreated, HPV increases the chance of developing cervical cancer in women. 

Is STD testing right for me?

If you have any symptoms of an STD or you’re at risk of developing one, see the Vine Family Medicine team for an evaluation. STD risk factors include being sexually active, having more than one sexual partner, not using a condom during sexual activity, and sharing needles. 

The best ways to minimize your chance of developing an STD include abstaining from sex, having just one mutually monogamous partner who has tested negative for STDs, or using a condom during sexual intercourse.

What should I expect during STD testing?

During STD testing at Vine Family Medicine, you may complete blood tests, urinalysis, or tissue swabs. Your specialist might take a sample of blood from a vein, often in your arm, or have you leave a urine sample for lab analysis. 

They may swab tissues at the site of the infection, such as the vagina and cervix in women or the penis in men. A Pap test in women screens for cervical cancer, which may appear because of an STD.

What do my STD testing results mean?

When your Vine Family Medicine provider receives your STD testing results, they review them with you. If you have an STD, you may take medications to cure the disease or medicines that minimize unpleasant symptoms. Some STDs are curable, while others are not.

Your partner must also be tested and treated for STDs, if needed, to avoid continuing the spread of the disease. When taking medications to treat an STD, it’s important to abstain from sexual contact and take them exactly as directed. You must undergo repeat STD testing to ensure the treatment works effectively.

To take advantage of STD testing at Vine Family Medicine, call the office or book an appointment online today.