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Knee Injections

Knee Injections services offered in Keller, TX

Knee pain is a common problem, especially among older adults and athletes. If you’re bothered by knee problems, see the specialists at Vine Family Medicine in Keller, Texas, for an evaluation. Family medicine specialists Ochuele Odumosu, MD, and Oluwaseun Odumosu, MD, offer knee injections to reduce inflammation, speed up healing, and ease knee pain. Call the office to learn more, or schedule an appointment online today.

What are knee injections?

Knee injections at Vine Family Medicine reduce pain, inflammation, and joint friction. Numerous joint injections are available, including viscosupplementation, corticosteroids, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

What are the benefits of knee injections?

The benefits you can take advantage of by choosing knee injections at Vine Family Medicine include:

  • Reduced joint pain
  • Less inflammation
  • Improved range of motion
  • Better mobility
  • Improved joint lubrication
  • Less friction
  • Faster healing
  • Increased cell regeneration
  • Better quality of life

Knee injections are minimally invasive, meaning you don’t have to undergo surgery, and there’s no significant downtime afterward.

Are knee injections right for me?

The Vine Family Medicine team determines if you’re a candidate for knee injections after discussing your medical history, symptoms, and desired results. They examine your knees, evaluate your range of motion and mobility, and may suggest blood tests, imaging procedures, or other diagnostic tests before tailoring a treatment best suited for you.

Common reasons for knee injections include arthritis, age-related wear, inflammation, and knee injuries.

What happens during knee injections?

During knee injections, you rest comfortably at Vine Family Medicine. Your specialist numbs the treatment area to ensure maximum comfort. They may use imaging guidance to inject hyaluronic acid, corticosteroid, or PRP into targeted areas within your knee. 

To obtain PRP, they take a sample of blood from one of your veins, spin it in a centrifuge, and re-inject it into the affected knee tissues. 

You often need more than one knee injection, spaced over time, to experience effective relief. Your specialist lets you know when to schedule your next knee injection appointment.

What should I expect after knee injections?

After knee injections at Vine Family Medicine, there’s little downtime, although the injection site may be tender for a day or two. 

Follow all of your post-care instructions. If you have an injury, it’s important to take it easy on your joints until the affected tissues heal. Over the next few days and weeks, you can expect less pain and improved joint function. Attend follow-up visits and/or injections as needed.

To take advantage of pain-relieving knee injections at Vine Family Medicine, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.